Cuba United Methodist Church



Helping Hands



Dean & Cheryl Wildrick





Altar Flowers:

21    Gary Enderle in honor of Joyce's Birthday


Altar Guild:

      Cindy Dutton






Power Point & Sound Operator:

Rob Cornell






Fellowship Hosts:







Children's Moment/Junior Church:




Lift Usher:







Choir Director:

           Christine Berardi



Communion Stewards




Christine Berardi






How can I get Involved?

Serving as an Usher is a great way to get to
know more people at Cuba UMC.
Both men and women serve as Ushers.


To be a Greeter, all you need is a SMILE!
We really want to make everyone feel welcome,
and it is the Greeter's job to start that
process with a smile, a "Good morning", and a hand shake.

Anyone interested in being a greeter, please write your name on the
sign up sheet, or call the office.


The Nursery sign up sheet is on the
bulletin board outside of the nursery


Junior Church:


Altar Flowers (968-1041)


Altar Guild:
The Altar Guild is in charge of preparing the
Sanctuary for each Sunday service.
They take care of the flowers, candles,
and Communion supplies.

Please contact the Church Office
if you are interested in serving on
the Altar Guild


Acolyte: (968-2495)
Light the candles at the beginning of the services,
and extinguish candles at close of the services


Fellowship Time:




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Since August 11, 2007